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BlogStephan Baker MD FACS

Eliminating Excess Skin After Weight Loss

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Massive weight loss is a huge reward in itself and can significantly boost a person's self-esteem, confidence, and body image. However, excess skin can serve as an unwanted reminder of previous struggles and can interfere with your appreciation of your new figure. Significant skin laxity can also cause physical discomfort and embarrassment in social situations. Body lift surgery, also referred to as a belt lipectomy, is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin along the lower torso to help you achieve a more toned, slender shape and improve your silhouette.

How Does One Develop Excess Skin?

Collagen and elastin are proteins that help keep the skin looking firm and young. However, as we age our skin can begin to lose elasticity and becomes prone to sagging. Massive weight gain causes the skin to stretch to accommodate excess fat. Once you lose the weight, the skin often remains lax, leading to unflattering hanging skin that cannot be restored to its youthful position, no matter how much you may exercise.

Your Body Lift Procedure

Dr. Baker's body lift surgery, as well as other body contouring procedures, can provide tighter, smoother, and more harmonious contours to your body, as well as remove excess skin and fat from the following areas:

  • Abdomen
  • Arms
  • Hips
  • Lower back
  • Upper buttocks
  • Upper and inner thighs

Tummy Tuck Surgery

Tummy tuck surgery, or abdominoplasty, can provide patients with a firmer, slimmer midsection by tightening weak and separated abdominal muscles. An incision is made across the lower abdomen. The abdominal muscles are sutured together to restore muscle tone. The excess skin is trimmed away, and the remaining skin is redraped over the new contours. Liposuction can also be included with your tummy tuck procedure to remove any residual fat deposits.

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Hip Lift Surgery

Hip lift surgery eliminates excess fat and tissue on the hips, also known as a "muffin top", to provide patients with a smoother waistline. An incision is made along the outer portion of the hips. If needed, the incision may be extended along the lower back. The remaining skin is then redraped over the hips.

Other Body Contouring Options

Upper Arm Lift

Many patients who have experienced massive weight loss find that they are left with loose and saggy skin on their upper arms. Upper arm lift surgery, or brachioplasty, targets excess skin and tissue on the upper arms, commonly referred to as "bat wings", to improve their appearance. During your procedure, an incision is placed along the inside of the upper arm. Excess skin and fat are removed, and the supportive tissues are tightened and reshaped. Lastly, the skin is smoothed over the natural contours of the arms.

Inner Thigh Lift

Patients who have sagging, loose skin on their thighs can undergo inner thigh lift surgery. This procedure can remove excess skin and tissue from the inner thighs to improve their shape. An incision is placed along the groin crease and loose skin and fat are removed. For patients with severe skin laxity, an incision will be made along the inner portion of the thigh to excise the remaining skin.

For more information, please visit our contact page to schedule a consultation today!

Realistic Expectations Following Weight Loss Surgery

Once your body contouring procedure is complete, there will be a recovery period. You may feel uneasy about the thought of having to take a few days off from work or the pain that follows a surgical procedure. However, making sure you adhere to the instructions given to you by Dr. Baker is essential to a successful recovery.

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Your Recovery

After your procedure, Dr. Baker will give you a compression garment to be worn over the treated area to help protect your new contours. In some cases, a drainage tube may also be placed under your skin to collect any excess blood or fluids. Depending on the number of procedures you have undergone, you may experience some of the following after-effects:

  • Grogginess
  • Soreness
  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Redness

Most swelling, bruising, and other after-effects will resolve after few days. You will likely experience some discomfort during your recovery that can be minimized with medication prescribed by Dr. Baker.

You can expect some scarring to occur, but it will likely fade over time. Make sure to avoid all strenuous activities, such as those that involve heavy lifting, for a few weeks or until you are told otherwise. You will be able to return to work two weeks after your surgery.

Your Results

Everyone's body type is different, so therefore everyone's results will also be different. Although you will see visible results almost immediately after your surgery, it may take a few months to one year for your final results to become apparent. While you can expect long-lasting results that will transform your overall figure, no surgery lasts forever. A healthy lifestyle that includes exercise and a healthy diet will help you maintain your weight so that you can continue to enjoy your newly sculpted body for years to come.

Risks and Side Effects

There are some risks and side effects associated with body contouring procedures. Some of these risks include:

  • Bleeding
  • Pour wound healing
  • Fluid accumulation
  • Skin discoloration
  • Possible need for revision surgery
  • Skin loss

If you would like to learn more about Dr. Baker's body lift surgery or his other body contouring procedures, please contact our office at (305) 381-8837 today!

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Dr. Baker offers an inimitable treatment experience with a highly personalized, precision-based approach. With extreme dedication, Dr. Baker takes the time to ensure that every detail of your treatment is designed uniquely for you with optimal safety, effectiveness, and compassion. Take the first step toward your best possible outcome by scheduling your in-office or virtual consultation with Dr. Baker today.

Merrick Pointe

3850 Bird Road Suite 702, Miami, FL 33146

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